Developing Evidence-Based
Health Communication Methods

An evolving online tool

About Trial Promoter

Trial Promoter automates important aspects of the generation, distribution and assessment of user-friendly, social media messages. We currently deploy and test the system in the context of developing evidence-based, digital clinical research recruitment methods and health promotion interventions. With each project and experiment, we test and launch new features. If you're interested in collaborating, please contact us.

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Sample messages generated by Trial Promoter for Twitter and Facebook




Trial Promoter automates important aspects of the generation, distribution and assessment of user-friendly, social media messages. It also provides features to ensure rigorous scientific design.

Data Import
Import your data and message templates

Trial Promoter imports data and message templates to generate customized social media messages.

Automated publishing to social media

Trial Promoter schedules your social media messages and automatically publishes them on Twitter and Facebook.

Engagement Measurement
View your most engaging content

Trial Promoter monitors and displays engagement measures for each social media message.

Capturing Comments and their Toxicity

Trial Promoter automatically collects and imports comments and replies for distributed messages. The tool also has the capability to determine the "toxicity" of comments using Perspective API, a machine learning tool provided by Google that scores comments.

Use scientific study design methods to reduce bias

To reduce bias in the distribution of message characteristics, Trial Promoter has the capability to randomize elements such as message templates, images and hashtags. Used randomization techniques include Fisher-Yates shuffle and sampling methods.

Data Dictionary
Create experiment-specific data definitions for improved reporting

For each experiment, Trial Promoter supports the creation of a data dictionary that centralizes the information about the data to be collected (e.g., value names, meaning, origin, format) to generate customized and comprehensive reports.

Trial Promoter is open source and free for anyone to access and play with.

Trial Promoter is available under the MIT License

The Team

Katja Reuter, PhD
Director, Digital Innovation and Communication

Praveen Angyan, MS
Technical Lead

Alicia MacLennan, MS
Web Developer

NamQuyen (Quyen) Le, MPH
Research Assistant

Former Team Members

Francis Ukpolo, MBA
Digital Marketing and Communications Coordinator

Ed Ward, BS

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